Louis RitmanAfternoon Shade, 1912Oil on canvas36 x 36 inches,
Framed: 44 3/4 x 44 3/4 inchesSigned: L. Ritman 1912 lower right
François AubrunUntitled #606, 1999Oil on canvas38 1/4 x 51 inches,
Framed: 39 3/4 x 52 3/4 inchesSigned: Aubrun 99 (verso on stretcher)
Pinchas MaryanOrange Helmet,, 1953Oil on canvas39 1/2 x 29 inches,
Framed: 56 x 46 1/2 inchesSigned: Maryan 53 lower left
Léon-Augustin L'HermittePaysannes et Vaches Devant le Village de Mont Saint Pere, 1887Charcoal on paper8 1/4 x 10 3/4 inches,
Framed: 17 x 19 1/4 inchesSigned: L’hermitte lower left
Michael ForsterTo Celebrate a Childhood-The RainsAcrylic on canvas36 x 53 inches,
Framed: 37 1/4 x 55 inchesSigned: F (verso)
Marked: F [monogram stamp] / 703A (verso)
Carl HoltyColor Theory #571 Orange, Greens, White, 1972Oil on canvas mounted on Masonite12 x 9 inches,
Framed: 20 x 17 inchesSigned: Holty Estate signature stamp lower right
Don TottenDissection, 1950sOil on Masonite23 x 22 3/8 inches
Framed: 25 x 24 inchesSigned: Estate stamp (verso)
François AubrunUntitled #52, 1971Oil on canvas9 3/8 x 13 1/8 inches
Frame: 18 x 21 1/4 inchesSigned verso "F Aubrun" and dated Fevrier 1971
Gary KomarinA Suite of Blue Sea, Cap Ferat, 2021Mixed Media on canvas60 x 48 inchesSigned: Komarin 21 along bottom and Komarin 2021 (verso)
Marked: “A Suite of Blue Sea, Cap Ferat” (verso on center brace) and Don’t Tell South America (verso on underside of brace)
Carl HoltyInk Study IIII B, Sketchbook #4, c. 1935Ink and graphite on paper6 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches sight,
Framed: 16 1/2 x 14 1/2 inchesSigned: Holty Estate signature stamp lower right
John SennhauserBlack Forms in Color Space # 13, 1947Oil on canvas41 x 27 inches,
Framed: 43 1/4 x 29 1/4 inchesSigned: John Sennhauser 1947 (l.l.), Marked: Black Forms In Color Space No. 13” 1947 / John Sennhauser (verso)
Ralph Della-VolpeWeather Beaten Docks, 1953-1954Oil on canvas18 x 24 inches,
Framed: 21 1/4 x 27 1/4 inchesSigned: Della-Volpe lower right
Jane PiperStill Life From Bill’s Photo, 1983-87Acrylic on canvas40 x 54 Inches
Framed: 42 1/8 x 56 1/4 inches
Robert KellyBaltic Nocturne IV, 2019Oil, mixed media on board17 x 14 inches
Framed: 24 x 22 inchesSigned: © Kelly / 2019 (verso)
Carl HoltyClybourn II, 1966Oil on canvas65 x 54 3/4 inches,
Framed: 68 x 57 inchesSigned: Holty lower left
Carl HoltyParis, Hotel, 1930Ink on paper5 1/2 x 4 inches sight Framed: 17 1/2 x 16 1/2 inchesSigned: Holty Estate signature stamp (under mat)
François AubrunDans la Lumière, le Silence #503, 1982Oil on canvas23 1/2 x 23 1/2 inches Framed: 25 x 25 inchesSigned: Abrun 82 (l.r.)
Hovsep PushmanThe Reader of the Koran, IshmailOil on panel36 ¼ x 25 inches,
Framed: 47 x 35 ¾ inchesSigned: Pushman lower left
Carl HoltyBig Zen Red-Eyed Goose, 1962Oil on canvas70 x 56 inches
Framed: 72 x 58 inchesSigned: Holty lower right
Jasmina DanowskiBuzzfeed, 2017Oil, pigment on wooden panel18 x 24 inchesSigned: Jasmina Danowski (verso)
Robert KellyAutumn Thicket III, 2006Oil and mixed media on panel17 x 33 inches,
Framed: 21 x 37 inchesSigned: © Kelly / 2016 (verso), Marked: Autumn Thicket / III (verso)
Carl HoltyCollage #384, 1958Watercolor and collage on paper12 1/2 x 9 inches Framed: 19 1/2 x 16 1/2 inchesSigned: Carl Holty lower right
Don TottenInterior, 1940sOil on Masonite48 1/4 x 30 inches
Framed: 49 3/4 x 31 1/2 inchesSigned: D. Totten lower right
Eugene Francis SavageApocalypse, circa 1940Oil on canvas board20 x 20 inches,
Framed: 30 3/4 x 30 3/4 inchesSigned: E.Savage (LR)
Carl HoltyNorth by Northwest, 1960Oil on canvas66 x 50 inches,
Framed: 67 3/4 x 51 3/4 inchesSigned: Carl Holty (verso)
Paul JenkinsPhenomena Stone Strap, 1975Liquitex on Arches paper42 x 30 inches,
Framed: 51 x 38 1/2Signed: Paul Jenkins lower right and Paul Jenkins (verso)
Marked: "Phenomena stone steps" 1975 (verso)
Cleve GrayPele #4, 1970Acrylic on duck69 x 47 inches,
Framed: 71 1/2 x 49 3/4 inchesSigned: Gray - 70 lower right
Donald R. PurdyChildren in Field, 19789 x 7 3/4 inches,
Framed: 15 x 16 3/4 inchesSigned: Purdy 78 lower left
Ralph Della-VolpeDocks and Clouds, 1954-1955Oil on canvas22 x 28 inches,
Framed: 26 1/2 x 31 1/2 inchesSigned lower left
Edward DufnerSummer Days, circa 1916Watercolor and gouache on paper31 1/2 x 24 1/4 inches
Framed: 40 x 33 x 3 1/2 inchesSigned: Edward Dufner lower left
Sol LewittNine Pointed Stars, 1996Set of thirty-six embossments on handmade Twinrocker paperEach sheet: 8⅜ by 8½ inches,
Framed.: 58 1/2 x 58 1/2 inchesSigned: Lewitt 8/15 (on the verso of the 36th panel)
Carl HoltyRed, Purple, White #58, 1970Oil on canvas40 x 30 inches Framed: 42 1/4 x 32 inchesSigned: Holty (l.l.)
François AubrunUntitled #370, 1971Oil on canvas23 1/2 x 28 3/4 inches,
Frame: 25 1/4 x 30 3/8 inchesSigned: Aubrun (verso)
Reeve SchleyThree Blues - Tidal, 2000Oil on canvas24 x 32 inches,
Framed: 29 3/4 x 37 3/4 inchesSigned and dated lower right: RS III 2000
Sarah GillespieSunyata, 2004Oil on canvas42 x 64 inches,
Framed: 45 1/2 x 67 1/2 inchesSigned: Gillespie lower right and Sarah Gillespie on stretcher, verso,
Carl HoltyUntitled, 1963-4Oil on canvas76 x 60 inches,
Framed: 78 x 62 inchesSigned: Carl Holty Estate signature stamp lower right and verso lower right
John von WichtThe Ninth, 1963Oil on canvas86 x 49 5/8 inches,
Framed: 88 x 52 1/4 inchesSigned: V. Wicht lower left
Carl HoltyCollage IV, 1958Gouache collage paper12 1/4 x 9 inches,
Framed: 19 1/2 x 16 1/2 inchesSigned: C Holty - 58 lower left
André CottavozLe Paysage, 1961Oil on canvas4 1/4 x 4 5/8 inches,
Framed: 12 x 12 1/2 inchesSigned: Cottavoz lower right
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